Being New to a Choir

Being part of a choir is a wonderful opportunity to come together with other music lovers to sing and leave the stresses of life behind for a few hours every week. At the beginning, being a new singer in an established choir can be daunting. Not knowing anybody can be difficult. Don’t let that deter you. People are friendly and gradually you will get to know other members of the choir.  

The choir has a catalogue of songs that members have learnt over the years. You’re not expected to learn the entire repertoire. Just focus on the songs the choir is working on at the moment. Over time you can listen to the recordings and get the sheet music for the older songs and learn them.

There is no pressure on new members to participate in performances. The important thing is to come for the enjoyment of singing. In time you will feel like you have been in the choir forever.

We hope this information has been of help. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask a member of the committee.