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Thinking of Becoming a Member of The Voices of Cork Community Choir?

The Voices of Cork is a four part harmony community choir which was formed in 2005. It gives members of the community the opportunity to participate in choral singing, who may not have had any prior experience of singing in a choir. The ability to read music is not a requirement. The choir performs in a wide range of venues such as City Hall Cork, nursing homes, hospitals, fundraisers and at various community events. Membership of the choir is open to all over the age of eighteen. The choir is run by a committee who are all members of the choir. Our repertoire is varied and includes popular songs, musical theatre, rock, ballads, jazz etc.

New members are welcome from Wednesday 2nd October for term one. For term two, new members are welcome from January each year. If you want to learn how to sing in a fun, relaxed atmosphere, join us. No experience necessary – just enthusiasm and a love of singing!!!

We rehearse on Wednesday nights from 7.15pm to 9.30pm at St. Patrick’s Primary School, Gardiners Hill, Cork.

If you are considering joining of the Voices of Cork, you can attend rehearsals for one month to give you the opportunity to decide if you wish to become a member. There is a fee of €25 for the month’s trial period, which will be offset against the annual membership fee should you decide to become a member of the choir.

You can see more information on our Information for Prospective Members page. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please email